p/s : oh hye diamond , you know what ? i love you too  

hey guys ? korng nga wt pe tu ? jyeahh for sure tngah baca blog azml rite ?
hehe firstly i want to say ILOVEYOU my GIRLFRIEND my DUP DAP hehe. 
she's so crazy and most sweet . and one night when OTP, kami merepek je 
dia pun crite laa psal dia pnye life masa skola hahaha very very kelaka laaa mcm bengong je kn awak ni makwe  
awakk je teman saya kan setiap hari . sian awakk . you know i cant leave you and i want to meet you laa bby :(
love love  

ingat monster dont naughty naughty ,
iloveyou more and moreee , ever and ever diamond 

hey all , my name is azml slh , oh gosh ! you're suck . fuck you if you hate me , who care damn ?!

Pulpit rock

hey baby iloveyou , dont look at me like that , im shy HEHE . ;)

Pulpit rock